Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Nicolette Edmonds

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


Artist Statement

I spend much of my time walking through the woods to slow down and observe the insects, plants, and animals, all of which are endlessly fascinating to me.

By looking carefully, I discover incredible lives and worlds that are easily and often unnoticed, yet are an essential part of how our lives function. My sculptural work is an exploration of that which I find/see- the hidden and not-so-hidden lives of everything that surrounds us. I reinterpret species and reimagine the natural world utilizing inorganic materials such as glass and ceramic- both of these materials allow me to explore the textures, shapes, and patterns that are so ubiquitous to the biologies of life.

The study and research of my subjects and specimens often lead me towards a greater sense of understanding, and a deep bond, to not only a particular organism but to the infinite invisible web that connects everything to everything on this planet. My work is a celebration of the nearly unnoticed… the exuberant and stunning life that is all around us. By bringing attention to this life, I intend to increase human connection to our environment and our awareness of the environmental degradation that is pervasive everywhere at this time.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background

Nicolette Edmonds is a glass and ceramic artist specializing in sculptural work inspired by nature. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in 2023, earning her BFA. She is currently expanding her research practice through studying wildlife in various biomes within the United States, her discoveries will directly influence her future creations.


Henrico, VA





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