Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Photo credit: Chris Fiore

Nobuko Tsuruta

Teaching Artist Cohort


Nobuko Tsuruta is a fiber artist based in New York, exhibiting internationally in countries such as France, Germany, South Korea, and Japan. Her work based Saori weaving, embracing a philosophy of free expression where mistakes are welcomed as sources of creativity, contributing to the uniqueness and charm of her pieces. This liberated approach, free from the constraints of traditional weaving, offers fresh perspectives to viewers. As a certified SAORI instructor, she has taught numerous individuals at The Loop of the Loom studio in New York. Continually exploring new ideas and experimenting with various materials and techniques, Nobuko's expressions extend beyond weaving to include installations, experimental fashion, and performance art. Her creations fuse traditional techniques with contemporary creativity, resulting in an innovative collection.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


New York, NY




Grant amount


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