Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Photo credit: Jim Escalante

Sylvia Rosenthal

Teaching Artist Cohort


Sylvia Rosenthal received a BFA from RIT’s School for American Crafts in Woodworking and Furniture Design, built two houses from the ground up with Doug Sigler in western North Carolina, and received a MFA in sculpture from the UW-Madison. She currently owns and operates Lower Astronomy Studios, a design, sculpture, and woodworking studio in Madison, WI. Throughout her career she has taught woodworking and design thinking in many settings, such as university and college programs, craft school workshops, and to children. As an artist she works to destabilize her own identity, activating risk while owning the site of production. She negotiates between woodworking, a trade, and more ostensibly conceptual methodologies.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Madison, WI




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