Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Photo courtesy of the artist.

Javier Arbona and Diego de la Cruz Gaitan

Materials–Based Research Grant


Canoas, Cayucos y Balsas

Canoas, Cayucos y Balsas is a material and process research project for the construction of prototypes of Caribbean nautical vessels utilizing materials from native trees constructed with techniques from pre-Columbian times to the present. Our research intents to re-frame our current knowledge of materials and crafts in search of multi-vectorial interactions with other islanders. This research will allow MAOF to reactivate practices of the original inhabitants of the Caribbean archipelago, with the intention of returning the gaze and body to the sea. The results and findings of the prototype construction and research will be published periodically through a publication and a website, these will function as a logbook and reference material for other craftsmen.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


San Juan, PR



Canoas, Cayucos y Balsas


Grant amount


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