Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

by Isaac Facio

Benedikt Diemer & Isaac Facio

Materials–Based Research Grant


Visualizing the Invisible in 3-Dimensional Textile

This project will use a TC1 digital loom to demonstrate the potential of weaving technology as devices for large scientific data output asking, what does the data look like through a loom and what discoveries can be made to understand complex science using these methods? The loom will be installed at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory where it will be linked to weave real time data. Techniques and methods used for the arts and science collaboration, Fabric of the Universe, will serve as a model to develop this concept and continuation of that project.

Isaac Facio specializes in textile technology with an emphasis on 3D woven structures and the development of new mechanisms that challenge the formation of solid cloth forms. He brings this focus to textiles and textile structures as a conservator in Textiles at the Art Institute of Chicago. / Benedikt Diemer specializes in computational astrophysics, meaning that he runs and analyzes large computer simulations. His research interest is structure formation, the gravitational collapse of matter in the universe into the structures we observe or infer today, such as galaxies and dark matter halos. He received a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Chicago and a Master of Physics from the University of Manchester, UK.

Bio of the Artist

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Visualizing the Invisible in 3-Dimensional Textile


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