Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

graphic of a potter sitting at a wheel in front of a tall stack of pots with a laptop at the top of the pile and she's reaching for the laptop from her chair

Joe Maccarone.

The Studio Potter

Craft Futures Fund


Studio Potter Responds to Educator Needs with Online Access to a 48 Year Archive and Original Monthly Content

Arts educators are being forced to move their studio-based classes online due to COVID. With this grant, we could give away 120 educator memberships with preference given to Title1 schools and educators who teach traditionally underserved communities. Requests would be processed through a new single click interface on our site. This new interface would alleviate pressures on staff resources and allow us time to seek additional funding from individual donors to directly subsidize the continuation of providing memberships to in-need educators and students beyond the initial 120 served.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Northampton, MA




Grant amount


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