Colita de Rana (Frog Tails); Photo Credit: Heroes Gallery
Craft Research Fund Grant
This project will focus on a constructed history of contemporary Chicanx weaving that intersects the U.S. fiber movement from the 1960s to the present, and an engagement with the absence of Chicanx weaving in U.S. craft and Latinx art histories.
Selected works
To Carry Every Name but Your Own 2022 Handspun ropes in sisal, silk, bullet-proof and stab-proof Kevlar; warped in wool, acrylic, cotton, linen, silk; loom bars; zip ties. 92” x 59”x 38” (dimensions variable) Photo credit: Shaun Roberts Photography
In the Silence Between Mother Tongues 2022 Silk from a salwar and chunni that my grandmother wore; two nalas; rope from my favorite Utah climbing gym; paracord; found wood, plastic, and metal loom bars, heddle rods, and shed rods; eye bolts; handspun wool; skin dyed and acid dyed wool; digital-hand woven fabric in mostly cotton, mohair, and metallics; various other yarns and cut up fabrics in cotton, wool, acrylic, linen, and mohair. 92” x 55”x 12” Photo credit: Shaun Roberts Photography
Colita de Rana (Frog Tails); Photo Credit: Heroes Gallery
Split from Center 2022 Handspun brown: skins, fleeces, straps, fabrics, yarns, silks, loom bars, zip ties, sticks, and other hardware. 162" x 135" x 26" (dimensions variable) Photo credit: Joseph Hu
Colita de Rana (Frog Tails) 2022 Handwoven and scrap fabrics, PVC splints, wood loom bars, zip ties, nursery rhymes. 100” x 96” x 29” (dimensions variable) Photo credit: Heroes Gallery
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