Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Carolyn Smith holding beargrass and smiling in foreground with wildfire-effected wilderness in background.

"Carolyn Smith gathering beargrass in the Klamath River region, 1 year after a wildfire." Photo by Wilverna Reece, 2015

Emily Rogers

Craft Futures Fund


Elevating Native American Craft through the High Ground Arts Center

This project will provide start up funding for the High Ground Arts Center, an open access, web-based exhibition space devoted to presenting Native American craftspeople’s works and ways of knowing. It will serve as a platform for indigenous voices, which are often underrepresented in contemporary American craft. It will also support and promote the works of Native artists, whose practices and livelihoods have been disproportionately effected by COVID-19.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Fort Collins, CO




Grant amount


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