Community Vitality
Craft Futures Fund - WNC Emergency Relief
Craft Futures Fund - WNC Emergency Recovery
WNC Craft Futures Cohort
Windgate-Lamar Fellowship
Craft Research Fund Artist Fellowship
Teaching Artist Cohort
Virginia A. Groot Craft Futures Residency
Research & Ideas
Craft Research Fund Grant
Craft Archive Fellowship
Curatorial Fellowship
Grant Recipients Archive
Alumni Network
Alumni Network
Grant Recipient
Clay at Pescado Trail_Joana, Description: While isolated during COVID-19, Joana Cardozo, an emerging artist and participant, took her clay on a hike as though it was a client that she was photographing.
Craft Futures Fund
This project creates a clay education network of queer community members, in order to break the isolation of COVID-19 by building kinship with and through clay experimentation. Scaling a project framework I developed this Spring, I have pivoted to working with queer artists to develop dynamic lessons to directly engage queer folks with raw clay craft in their homes. With your support, this project will reach 90 queer individuals in the Los Angeles area with free clay kits, unique monthly lessons, and a monthly digital Clay Club happy hour.
Los Angeles, CA
Grant amount
Also awarded
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To learn more, please download Craft Matters, the Center for Craft’s strategic direction for 2023-2027.
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67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 785-1357 |
Gallery Hours: Mon–Sat, 10-6 Get more info >>
Center for Craft is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN: 56-2096677
67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 785-1357 |
Gallery Hours: Tues–Sat, 10–6 get more info
Gallery Hours: Closed — Reopening Fall 2019