Materials–Based Research Grant
The project aims to design, fabricate and deploy artist’s instruments in conjunction with the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope submerged deep in the Mediterranean Sea. These instruments will draw on and hybridize the distinctive craft cultures and technologies of scientific instrument fabrication, musical instrument making and contemporary sculptural and functional craft.
Donald Fortescue is a Professor of Art and Design at the California College of the Arts (CCA) in San Francisco. His love of making lead him to further studies in design at the Australian National University and then to a Master’s degree in Sculpture. / Dr. Gwenhaël de Wasseige is a postdoc researcher at the “Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie” in Paris-Diderot University and CNRS in Paris, France. She is a member of the KM3NeT Collaboration and associate member of the IceCube Collaboration. Gwenhaël works in close collaboration with Dr. Véronique van Elewyck, assistant professor at the Paris-Diderot University.