Courtesy of the artists
Craft Archive Fellowship
Michelle Amos and Jenna Richards will explore the stories of the weavers, living outside gender norms, who made a creative safe haven at the Little Loomhouse influencing American handweaving during the Arts and Crafts Revivalist Movement, 1940-60 and inspiring generations of weavers.
Selected works
Photo Credit: Lou Tate Foundation Archives; AdaKDietz&RuthFoster1949&1952: Ada K Dietz and Ruth Foster (Left) in Top House Weaving Studio at the Little Loomhouse, Louisville, KY weaving on Lou Tate Little Looms 1949, and with their weavings based on mathematical equations for the Kentucky Weaver published by the Little Loomhouse for the 1952 edition presumably in Top House Weaving Studio.
Photo Credit: Lou Tate Foundation Archives; RosePerocircalate1950s&1960: Rose Pero, founding member of the Cross Country Weavers, the Hobby Weavers of the Ohio Valley, and Teaching Artist with Lou Tate circulating between points across Kentucky, Indiana, and Chicago, IL. (left) in Top House Weaving Studio at the Little Loomhouse, Louisville, KY weaving on a Lou Tate Little Loom circa late 1950s and (right) 1960 with her weavings presumably in her home.
Courtesy of the artists
Photo Credit: Lou Tate Foundation Archives; Loom House cabins 1949: The three cabin complex that makes up the Little Loomhouse, Louisville, KY, all from 1949. Clockwise starting left: Esta Cabin, Wisteria, and Top House Weaving Studio. The Little Loomhouse is located on approximately .75 acre in the southwestern area of Louisville, Kentucky and has been in continuous operation since 1939.
Photo Credit: Lou Tate Foundation Archives; EleanorRooseveltVisitsLouTateLoomroom1938: Eleanor Roosevelt visits Lou Tate’s Loomroom in 1938. The beginnings of an ongoing relationship based on mutual interest, patronage and weaving.
Photo Credit: Lou Tate Foundation Archives; CubeofaBinomialcircalate1940-mid-1950: One of many weaving samples created using mathematical equations, produced by Hobby Looms Studio, Long Beach, CA, owned and operated by Ada K Dietz and Ruth Foster. Their draft book, Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles, was published by Lou Tate at the Little Loomhouse, Louisville, KY in 1949.
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