Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Photo credit: Carrie Iverson

Carrie Iverson

Teaching Artist Cohort


Bio of the Artist

Organization Background

Carrie Iverson is an artist and educator based in Dallas, Texas. Known for her innovative use of materials, her site-responsive installations have incorporated glass, print, found objects, video, and sound. As part of her studio experiments, Iverson developed a unique process combining traditional lithography with image-making in glass. She has subsequently continued to develop this process in her work and to teach it at studios in the US and internationally.

Additionally, she has had the honor of being an artist-in-residence at Glenfiddich (Scotland), the Seto Center for Glass and Ceramics (Japan), Pilchuck Glass School, and the de Young Museum, San Francisco, to name a few. Her print-based work is in multiple private and public collections, including The Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, IL), the Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago, IL), and the Virginia Museum of Fine Art (Richmond, VA).


Arlington, TX




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