Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

"Thesis Process" Photograph courtesy of artist.

Emelie Cleveland

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


"Over the course of the next year I would like to start an artist residency program at the Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn. During this time I will continue to take ceramic classes at a nearby studio in Gowanus. My end goal from this year would be to further develop and refine the techniques that I’ve explored throughout my thesis in order to open up my own studio in Brooklyn, where I would begin producing my own line. I really admire the knitwear designer Anni Larson, since she has been able to achieve maintaining the craft and design of her garments and still producing everything on her own, which I think adds a more personal connection to her collection. She sat in on one of my thesis critiques in the Fall, so I’m aiming to develop a relationship with her over the course of the next year to both see how she addresses her craft but also learn how she approached setting up her own studio. I would potentially like to intern or work for her during this summer. The studio I hope to open will be rooted in the concepts of the world of the tactile and the community that is based around craft. I will be continuing to collaborate with my brother, who is an aspiring furniture designer and hopefully my childhood friend who studies textiles. Although I didn’t grow up in a community that was based around craft these two relationships allowed me to look into the world of craft with a different perspective from an early age."

Bio of the Artist

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New York, NY




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