Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

"Wrapped" Photo courtesy of artist.

Rachel Chalik

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


"The Windgate-Lamar Fellowship will allow the time and experiences necessary to seamlessly connect my undergraduate studies to my professional life as a maker. I plan to audit psychology courses at the University of Pennsylvania and take Precious Metals and Alloys, a one month long intensive course at Alchimia: Contemporary Jewellery School in Florence, Italy. These courses will fast track the conceptual and technical methods I am pursuing in my work. The university courses will give me the research and in depth knowledge I need to continue to make work addressing psychopathology, while the intensive in Florence will teach me how to personalize my work using uniquely crafted alloys in combination with the psychological understanding."

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Warrington, PA




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