Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Juan Hurtado Salazar

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


Statement: It wasn’t until I encountered crafts, where I found the greatest storytellers and learned to reclaim my own narrative, and rewrite its predefined arc. By performing a role within a story arc, fictional moments become sites of living history and experience. In this way, storytelling exhibits itself as a pillar in the formation of society. Fellowship Plans: I plan to visit the Design Studio for Social Intervention(ds4si) and MIT’s CoLab in Boston. I will study the organizations as they develop workshops. I will then travel to University of North Carolina Ashville’s STEAM Studio. I will utilize the studio to generate prototypes at true scale and hope to deploy them around UNCA, Asheville, and beyond. I will also continue to develop my Deployable Monuments project and organize workshops.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Philadelphia, PA


Temple University, Tyler School of Art


Ceramics / Art History


Grant amount


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