Materials–Based Research Grant
From clothing that can respond to its wearer’s biosignals to fabrics that use body movement to generate power, smart textiles are a rapidly growing area of inquiry within STEM research. Devendorf would launch a program of smart textiles research that aims to synthesize practices of art and engineering. With support from Steven Frost (fiber artist) and Allie Anderson (assistant professor of Aerospace Engineering), to prototype smart textiles for everyday wearable interactions, art, and applications in space flight.
Dr. Devendorf is a human-computer interaction researcher studying how human values shape the design of interactive technologies. She has designed and developed novel systems for digital fabrication and wearable technology. Currently, focusing on smart textiles, specifically, how people might design, fabricate, and interact with smart textiles in the future. / Fiber and Performance Artist & Instructor, Department of Media Studies College of Media Communication & Information, University of Colorado, Boulder