Community Vitality
Craft Futures Fund - WNC Emergency Relief
Craft Futures Fund - WNC Emergency Recovery
WNC Craft Futures Cohort
Windgate-Lamar Fellowship
Craft Research Fund Artist Fellowship
Teaching Artist Cohort
Virginia A. Groot Craft Futures Residency
Research & Ideas
Craft Research Fund Grant
Craft Archive Fellowship
Curatorial Fellowship
Grant Recipients Archive
Alumni Network
Alumni Network
Grant Recipient
Materials–Based Research Grant
Fabric Origami: New Materials for Computer Sciences and Mechanical Engineeringare, explores new pneumatic actuation design for soft robotic applications driven by fabric origami craft, intends to develop a computational tool to simulate the sewing, folding, and unfolding of the fabric during the fabric origami craft process, and introduces innovative material practices and computational tools to fabric origami craft practice in studio-based educational settings.
An artist by training, Dr. Peppler is an Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and engages in research that focuses on the intersection of arts, computational technologies and interest-driven learning. / Jiangmei Wu uses mathematics, science, and engineering in creating art and design. Recently, she has been investigating relationships between geometry, surface texture, and computational algorithms, and using these to explore techniques for the art and science of paper folding. Assistant Professor, Indiana University, School of Art, Architecture + Design
University of Indiana
Fabric Origami: New Materials for Computer Sciences and Mechanical Engineering
Grant amount
Also awarded
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To learn more, please download Craft Matters, the Center for Craft’s strategic direction for 2023-2027.
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67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 785-1357 |
Gallery Hours: Mon–Sat, 10-6 Get more info >>
Center for Craft is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN: 56-2096677
67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 785-1357 |
Gallery Hours: Tues–Sat, 10–6 get more info
Gallery Hours: Closed — Reopening Fall 2019